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NFL team from Minnesota known for choking, pulling defeat from the jaws of victory, playing football indoors like a bunch of girls, and never having won anything.

Moss: "Hey, Daunte, is our Vikings team going to the Super Bowl this year?"
Daunte: "Sure, Randy! Want to watch it at my house or yours?"

by webay January 24, 2005

87👍 123👎

beer night

A weekly gathering, occuring every Wednesday at 4:00 pm at the establishment of your choice, for the sole purpose of drinking beer. All work and other obligations are irrelevant during this event.

"Hey, are you gonna be at beer night today?"
"Well, it is Wednesday, I guess I have no choice - it is beer night - I'll be there."
"I hear Howard's not going to be there."
"What a pantywaist."

by webay January 24, 2005

10👍 5👎