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An acronym, short for "smells like poo." Response to a statement or action by a person or entity, which is intended to shine-on the recipient.

Variations: SMOOing, act of shining-on or BSing.

BOSS: We will carefully consider your thoughts, run it by our corporate office, and have a response for you shortly.

WORKER TO CO-WORKER: That guy is smooing us. What is this "we" stuff?

by whalewriter January 11, 2006

5👍 51👎


Not to be confused with the current, trendy blog. A forum is a space where like minded individuals can contribute information of mutual benefit. A forum is a repository of data which is meant to inform and educate on a particular subject.

Forums generally are not conversational, rather, they are contributory.

An example of a forum is a Web site where dental hygenists may contribute information on technique, research, seminars and practicums, case studies, and all other manner of useful data.

by whalewriter November 22, 2005

109👍 59👎