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Wanganui is a small high crime town on the west coast of the north island of new zealand.
Wanganui has a high rate of crime due to lack of employment and a (high maori population).
Wanganui has over the years has become a centre for maori activism with (motua gardens) in the mid 90s and the home to wankers such as ken meare.
The (local maori) have also tried to change the name of wanganui to whanganui as these unemployed maori have nothing better to do with there time but sit in parks and try to come up with more crap.
Wanganui is (home to all of new zealands gangs) this has lead to wanganui being one of the few places to lose population over the years

Wanganui in a word is a shithole

"Went to gonville last nite and got jumped by maoris"
"wanganui, wanganui come take a look at us now"

by whatsmyname123 December 10, 2011

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