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ben johnson

The baddest mofo on the face of the earth. Often confused with the Canadian Sprinter who was caught using steroids, the true Ben Johnson is actually much bigger, faster, and blacker. His badassness is surpassed only by his game and his sexual prowess.

Example 1:
Scrawny White Boy: Did you see that bad ass dude?

Ben Johnson Wannabe: Hells yeah I saw him son...that mofo is dope as hell, AND he's hung like a Chuck Norris doll. He is so BEN JOHNSON.

Example 2:
Little bitch: What's up ladies, can I buy you drinks and then please all 5 of you for hours tonight?

Group of Women: Bitch who you think you is, Ben Johnson? Get the fuck outta here little white boy.

by whereisMCgusto August 27, 2008

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