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Well Played, Mauer

The baseball equivalent of touche.

Originating from the popular MLB commercial on Youtube where Joe Mauer gives proof of his bikini-clad trip to Cabo with the host, with a photo in a frame, after the host denies ever going.

"My hugs can cure anything!"

'Even cancer?"

'Well played, Mauer."

by whiteeagle August 12, 2010

17👍 2👎


Sabrinas are super kind people. They can be shy at first, but really open up once they get to know you. Sometimes short, with blondish wavy hair and big brown eyes. They might look shy with their small brown freckles and their occasional glasses, but are really loud and funny once you become friends with them. Their laughs are extremely contagious, and you will always have a good time with them. They are great friends and super fun to hang out with. Usually they are city girls, they love to roam around a big city with friends. When you meet a Sabrina and become friends, never break that friendship, because they love to keep in touch.

Wow, that girl is super kind. She's really funny too! Is she a Sabrina?

by whiteeagle February 20, 2017

14👍 4👎


Annies are so gorgeous, with their straight brown hair and big brown eyes. While they might have a resting bitch face at times, they are super kind, and will do anything to stop someone from hurting someone else. They are really selfless and loyal to close friends. They are really good at writing. They are good at basically every sport, and they are tall. They sometimes boast about sports, but you learn to accept it, because it's just who they are! If you're looking for someone to chill with, call an Annie. They are up for whatever comes their way. Even though they are really kind, they are really strong mentally . Don't cross them or lose their trust.

That girl is really good at sports! And kind too! She must be an Annie!

by whiteeagle February 20, 2017

10👍 4👎