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Big fat dick. Originating from the Devin Millar song of the same name.

I got a BFD and I'm ready baby.

by wikiasuckeru August 18, 2022

13👍 4👎


The most creative time in human history.

Todd: This is a good song. I wonder when it was released.

Renard: 2006.
Todd: That figures.

by wikiasuckeru September 7, 2020

84👍 7👎


The peak of humanity.

John: Does anyone remember the 2000s?

Alica: Yeah, sort of.
John: It was the best era I still play my Xbox 360 and play Flash games.

by wikiasuckeru September 7, 2020

17👍 2👎


The peak of humanity.

I remember the 2000s like it was yesterday.

by wikiasuckeru September 7, 2020

15👍 2👎

The 2000s

The era before everything else that was the peak of humanity. Even though it was covered in toxic people and somewhat lazy and creepy media, it was way more creative than these newer decades.

Ahhhh.... The 2000s... I wish the kids of today would see the effort people put into their stuff.

by wikiasuckeru September 7, 2020

27👍 4👎

Screamer Culture

Screamer Culture (very popular in the 2000s) revolves around online pranks such as jumpscares, or being RickRolled in videos, websites, or flash animations.

I am part of the scariest community on the internet. The Screamer Culture.

by wikiasuckeru September 7, 2020

89👍 3👎

2 Men 1 Girl 1 Supper

An unknown video of a young girl being tortured by her dad for not finishing her supper.

Guy 1: Have you seen 2 Men 1 Girl 1 Supper?
Guy 2: Yeah, it's fucking creepy.

by wikiasuckeru June 5, 2020

150👍 63👎