Source Code

Mouth Fishing

A pre-oral sex practice of kissing around a womens inner thigh area in an attempt to detect a foul smelling vagina. If a foul stench is encountered, the man moves in close and takes a mouth full of the air near the pussy hole. He then crawls back up to kiss her on the face right after exhaling into her nose.

I threw up on her panties before i had a chance to even go mouth fishing.

by wild-card March 20, 2010

5👍 2👎

Ketchup Chuck

A "not so practical" joke, that is ideal for resturants, cookouts, or friends refridgerator. Take a ketchup bottle and insert a tampon down into the neck. Replace the lid but leave about one inch of the string hanging out. If you don't have the time to wait for the end result, it's quite easy to imagine the look on the persons face as their curiosity compels them to pull the string out.

That waitress was a bitch and the food sucked. Don't get me wrong, i still tipped her a dollar and i kindly placed under a loaded Ketchup Chuck.

by wild-card March 25, 2010

1👍 3👎

Camel Tobasco

First, place a rubber on your dick and unroll it all the way down to the base of the shaft. Next, carefully brush HOT SAUCE over the rubber. Finish it off by unrolling yet another rubber over the first. If a rubber breaks at any time during the porking, this process will serve as your "Early Warning System." If either partner detects a "burning like a motherfucker" sensation, you will know that it's time to pull your dick out and contact the condom manufacturer for a replacement.

If that girl is a cum-dumpster, you had better use the camel tobasco. It worked for me, although the experience changed the way i feel about its name... i now call it slot sauce!!!

by wild-card March 25, 2010

35👍 5👎