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Testicles, from a mishearing of Spanish "huevos". Pronounced WEH-woolz.

Ow!!! Kicked me right in my wewwles!

by witchdoc64 April 2, 2011

1👍 1👎


Groceries, or anything bought from a grocery store or supermarket. From the abbreviation "GROCS" which appears on receipts.

I'm going to take the SUV to pick up the grokes.

by witchdoc64 April 21, 2011

3👍 13👎


Testicles. A slightly more sophisticated synonym than balls.

Ouch!!! My spheres!!!

by witchdoc64 April 2, 2011

14👍 1👎


Bad-tasting, enough to make someone want to barf.

Lima beans, peas, and potatoes au gratin are all barfsome.

by witchdoc64 July 30, 2011


A girl or woman who is hot. A play on "hottie", but a roaster is slightly hotter than the average hottie. To "roast" is to be a hottie.

Whoa, check her out---she's a real roaster!" Also as a verb: "she roasts!"

by witchdoc64 April 2, 2011

11👍 48👎