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Mic up

Term Mostly Used in Roblox by a common style "Ro Gangster " & That Style is Predominantly Black Users 9-15

Mic up is basically getting called out on Roblox In Games like ; White room , Da hood , the streets ext. This can consist of two or more people getting on a call flaming one another

Roblox Player 1 : Ok ##### mic up my tag ****#1111
Roblox Player 2 : Okay bet

by withtha5 June 21, 2022

SafeChat kid

Someone Who Can Be under the age of 13 On an app called Roblox

Roblox Player 1: Hey ######## i said stop

Roblox Player 2: i dont speak tags lol

Roblox Player 1: Lol imagine having safechat KID

by withtha5 June 21, 2022

SafeChat kid

Someone Who Can Be under the age of 13 On an app called Roblox

Roblox Player 1: Hey ######## i said stop

Roblox Player 2: i dont speak tags lol

Roblox Player 1: Lol imagine having safechat KID

by withtha5 June 21, 2022


For sure but make it sound more hood so "Fasho"

Girl 1 : Bitchhh you trynna slide to ____ House they trynna do a two man mission
Girl 2 : Fs (Fasho ) baby daddy might trip but its whatever

by withtha5 June 21, 2022