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To be used as an alternative to the word 'excellent' in a manner whereby just enough doubt is cast in the mind of the listener as to whether you really said 'excrement' or 'excellent'. Most effective when teamed with the finger pyramid of evil contemplation and a suitably evil voice.

Person A: This cake is truly fab
Person B: Yes, it is excrement.

Person A: You won the lottery!
Person B: Excrement.

by wonderbra676 February 20, 2007

61👍 28👎


To be used as an alternative to the word 'excellent' in a manner whereby just enough doubt is cast in the mind of the listener as to whether you really said 'excrement' or 'excellent'. Most effective when teamed with the finger pyramid of evil contemplation and a suitably evil voice.

Person A: This cake is truly fab
Person B: Yes, it is excrement.

Person A: You won the lottery!
Person B: Excrement.

by wonderbra676 February 20, 2007

6👍 18👎

Michael and Dominic

Affectionate names for your lady penis and your bum-oley.

Person A: How is Michael and Dominic today?
Person B: Michael is cool but expecting the red water soon. Dom's cool, last night's curry left a burning ring of fire, but he's cool now.

by wonderbra676 February 20, 2007

6👍 15👎

Red Water

A lady's period, monthly, menstruation thingy.

I'm flowing red water.

The red water is due.

Aaaaarg I am leaking red water!

by wonderbra676 February 20, 2007

1👍 8👎

Itchy bits

Used as an exclamation when one discovers or realises that one has an itch anywhere upon their body. It does not have to relate to the private parts.

Dude that woollen jumper has given me itchy bits!

I have itchy bits! (to be exclaimed loudly in a public place)

by wonderbra676 February 20, 2007

3👍 1👎

Arse Biscuits

An exclamation to erm exclaim when something does not go well.

Arse Biscuits! That landed on my foot!

Arse Biscuits! I failed my exam!

by wonderbra676 February 20, 2007

43👍 18👎