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Neal is most likely a Gemini man who is very tall and has a great face and eyes. He comes off as outgoing when you first meet him, but he has a quieter side. Asks the most random questions and is genuinely funny and is great friend to have. The man has a story or reference to anything you can think of and you're guaranteed a dynamic conversation about anything. He is liked by everybody who meets him to the point that they all beg him to come work with them. Neal follows his own path though and rejects all offers. Honestly Neal is the type of dude who is likely to be successful in anything he tries out. If you find him on a fishing boat in Alaska don't be surprised. Overall chill dude with a good heart.

Dude 1: Did you hear what Neal said?
Dude 2: I didn't but I bet it was interesting and funny
Dude 1: and you'd be right!

by woohoo7 September 18, 2021

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