Source Code


A program referring to the extermination of all "impure" people, mainly concerning of Jewish origin by Nazi Germany in the years 1939-1945

Even though the holocaust also involved nearly 5 million people of non-Jewish ancestry, the mass extermination of the Jews decimated the entire Jewish population of the world by two thirds, and nearly eliminated almost all Jews residing in Europe.

Let's not forget, if the amount of Jews was proportional to the quantity of Americans for example, then the casualties would likely be circa 200 million.

Israel was created as a direct effect of this incident, because the Jewish people simply had nowhere else to go!

by wtf March 19, 2005

1525πŸ‘ 3008πŸ‘Ž


a player who is nub at cs <3

timez is a nub

by wtf July 8, 2003

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


(n)A major world religion, committed to by all posers. Major god is Sean Maguire, aka:THE POSER, major customs include:1.poser rapping (praying) daily 2.always know that if not a poser Seans wrath will be upon you 3.ALWAYS without exeption say," Yo yo yo homie G."

Poserism was founded in 2005 AD by Sean Maguire.

by wtf April 26, 2005

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


sum mutha i capped 9 years ago

nigga stole mah cabboze

by wtf March 19, 2005

106πŸ‘ 238πŸ‘Ž

South park

Once (and still is) an original, provocative, and hilarious show, somewhat like the earlier Simpsons; now threatened to fall on the brink of appeasement for younger audiences, causing possible deterioration just like its predecessor became.

"Officer Barbrady: Oh wait I thought of something! ....Oh, never mind that was substraction"

Ah, too bad good things don't last forever

by wtf March 19, 2005

125πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A variation of the many trainers one must battle in Pokemon Red/Blue/Green. They look like nerdy guys and often possess quite formidable pokemon.

Ash: Summoned Blastoise
Pokemaniac 5: Summoned Nidoking
Ash: Blastoise used bubblebeam
Pokemaniac 5: Nidoking used thrash
Ash: Blastoise used Headbutt
Pokemaniac 5: Nidoking used trash...Nidoking's attack missed!
Ash: Blastoise used ice beam
Nidoking fainted!
Ash received $4290, Blastoise gained 1203 exp.
Pokemaniac 5: Oh no! I can't believe i lost!

by wtf March 2, 2005

53πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Teh only operating system you can trust. Too bad it ain't no phawkin OS in specific, dude. The only *nix that can be used with ease and complete lack of leetness is Apple's OSX, though. Funny thing it ain't no open source and is bling bling imminent to get holda in a legal way.

Alice: "WTF? Me XP like b0000m?!!"
Bob: "Switch, me 1337 Apple dealer!!!11!!1"
Alice: "kk, tnx m8!"
Bob: "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"
Alice: ":´("
Bob: ":P"

by wtf February 21, 2005

28πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž