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Donald Trump

a reel gud prezdint thatz the most guddist ever! he don liek no gayferds, femnisturz, muzlumz, beenurz, upity nigurz, snoflak librulz, athists, n cripuld peepul. hes a reel MURIKIN man of JEEBUZ n WHYT POWUR! he puts dum nigurz n thar playce n don liek no maryjuwannur needur liek the bybul sez. YEEEEHIIIII!!! GAWD BLES LORT EMPURUR TRUMPH!!! WHOOO DAWGIEZ!
n fuk muzlumz nigurz n fagetz!

Donald Trump iz a moar gudder prezdint than that nigur obumma evar wuz

by wurdzwurthyo May 3, 2018

10👍 69👎

prayer flossin

The act of praying or doing some other religious activity so public that the prayer flosser is attempting to make themselves look "holy". It's often done on Facebook by people who are religious, usually by Christians but can also be done by Muslims or any other follower of a religion.

Trish thinks she's so holy but all she's doing is prayer flossin'!

by wurdzwurthyo August 14, 2014

white college bitch

A derogatory term used mainly by ratchet ass, uneducated women, usually Afro-Americans, to describe non-Afrocentric females that are more educated than they are. It can also be used to describe biracial educated women, although the term "oreo college bitch" is often used instead.

Dat white college bitch think she be sumpin' special but sheit she just be sumone dat gunna git ganked!

by wurdzwurthyo August 14, 2014

4👍 4👎

.38 Special

A horrible band from the 80s that is a super lame spinoff of Lynyrd Skynyrd. They wrote songs about fucking underage girls and being general redneck douchebags. They appealed to hundreds of thousands of dumbass shittards mainly throughout the South. They are mistakenly called Southern Rock by many people, but they are just a worse version of Bad Company, Thin Lizzy and your mom.

"Hay, letz git sum dip n Skoal n Bud Light n than go to tha .38 Special concurt 2nite! We will git us sum yung poontang n have us sum reel redneck fun, Roscoe. YEEEE-HIIIII!!!"

by wurdzwurthyo August 14, 2014

9👍 20👎