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Common cleaning detergent. Toxic to ingest and breath. Irritating to the skin.

Mom: Hey honey, can you pass me the bleach? I'm cleaning the restroom again.

You: Sure thing mom. *Hands bleach*

by xD4k September 14, 2016

Strut nose

A nose in which the tip is wider than the back portion of the nose, black people are known to have it.

Damn! Look at that nigga, dude got a strut nose!

by xD4k September 14, 2016

less dick

when you're cirumsised and therefore have less dick than you would've had without a circumcision

"Yo vic, you got less dick than us."

by xD4k December 6, 2017

Dumbbell Dick

When you jack off really hard that your tip of your dick looks abnormally huge.

Damn, look at Sami! He has a dumbbell dick! Haha!

by xD4k June 27, 2016

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