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my bad

A phrase said to admit guilt in a situation, substitute for sorry.

"Oh, that was your mom, not your grandma? My bad!"

by xJulia June 19, 2006

17👍 31👎

Nice play, Shakespeare!

Ironic or sarcastic exclamation meaning, "That was really stupid."

Rob: So how's it goin' with Stephanie?
Jim: I accidentally tripped her and gave her a concussion.
Rob: Nice play, Shakespeare!

by xJulia June 19, 2006

58👍 14👎


The action of taking a drink out of a bottle without actually touching it with your mouth, usually to avoid spittle left over, or "germs."

Jason: Dude, why are you drinking my soda? That's disgusting, I don't want your germs!
Dave: Hey, don't worry, I'm waterfalling.

by xJulia June 22, 2006

82👍 46👎


The state of being sexually attracted to both males and females, regardless of your own gender.

Bisexuality - anything that moves baby, anything that moves.

by xJulia June 30, 2006

166👍 95👎