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A store that needs to start offering gas masks and ear plugs as soon as you walk in the door.

employee- welcome to abercrombie , here's your gas mask and ear plugs!
costumer- thank god!

by xSamxYeahx December 18, 2010

18👍 7👎


the best friend anyone can ever have. really nice and funny and probably has TONS of inside jokes with you. shes GORGEOUS but doesnt brag about it. never mean and never selfish. shes the best friend in the world!

random person- whos that?
me- oh thats lindsay! shes my best friend!
random person- oh! shes so pretty!

by xSamxYeahx December 8, 2010

735👍 297👎


To pretend to text (or in some cases just use your phone) in an awkward moment. More common among teenage girls then anyone else really.

Omg last night was sooo awkward with Jack so I basically Faked-A-Text the whole date!


Girl 1- OMG this is sooo awkward what should i do???
Girl 2- Fake-A-Text duh!!

by xSamxYeahx December 19, 2010

54👍 10👎