Source Code


schuh / german word for shoe / name of the most known dahood player

schuh? oh yeah i know him, hes so known.

by xSchuh July 25, 2023

7👍 1👎


schuh / german word for shoe / name of the most known dahood player

schuh? oh yeah i known him, hes so known.

by xSchuh September 7, 2023

1👍 1👎


Silky, the best roblox dahood script ever known to man kind. it is good, majestic, smooth, everything you could want in a script! if you encounter a dahoodian that is not using silky, feel free to call him names like "skid" or "nn".

I just sonned a whole crew in dahood with silky, shits op ngl

by xSchuh August 28, 2023

7👍 1👎