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Made by Apple. It is two metal sheets slapped together with a Pringle for a CPU. The main objective Apple makes when developing a new one is making it thinner instead of more powerful.

Girl: Hey guys OMG I have a MacBook!
Guy: Friggin noob. My Razer Blade is cheaper and faster than your tinfoil MacBook.
*COD 1v1*
Girl: *loses from 1 fps gameplay* Macs are for video editing, not gaming
*Both people make the same video and render it*
Girl: *Renders vid 20 minutes after the Guy finishes*
Guy: Mac suclks. Get a Blade or an ROG, friggin Mac peasant

by xX_LordGaben69_Xx March 14, 2019

233πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


The term auto is used in CS:GO to refer to the automatic sniper rifles, the SCAR-20 and the G3SG1. Both cost $5000 and are tied as the second-most expensive weapons in their game. They have a significantly faster movement speed than the AWP and higher rate of fire. One-shot kill to the head, generally two shots to the body. Great for killing CT scrubs crossing mid on Dust II. In my opinion, the best weapon in the game.

T: *buys auto and sprays mid, easily killing one CT and tagging another
CT 1: you fucking bitch, why you bully me?
CT 2: what a noob use a real gun like the awp.
T: git gud

by xX_LordGaben69_Xx February 25, 2021

29πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Doritos are a brand of flavored tortilla chips produced since 1964 by Frito-Lay, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PepsiCo. The OG Doritos were not flavored(called Toasted Corn Doritos). The most popular flavors are Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch. Doritos are commonly featured in MLG mongtages alongside Mountain Dew, also owned by PepsiCo due to sponsorships with games and esports tournaments.

At the time of writing, there are 14 flavors of Doritos listed on the website:
Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch, Spicy Nacho, Flamin Hot Nacho, Flamin Hot Limon(not a typo), Spicy Sweet Chili, Dinamite Chile Limon, Poppin Jalapeno, Flamas, Salsa Verde, Taco Flavor, Tapatio, Simply Organic Spicy White Cheddar, Simply Organic Organic White Cheddar, and Blazin Buffalo and Ranch.

Doritos is the best chip brand out there. End of story.
Doritos are BAE.
Doritos are God, God is Doritos.
If Doritos are God, then Γ˜Β§Γ™Β„Γ™Β„Γ™Β‡ Γ˜Β£Γ™ΒƒΓ˜Β¨Γ˜Β±.

by xX_LordGaben69_Xx September 6, 2020

103πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A term for foreskin.

I still have my sweater.
Sweater gang.

by xX_LordGaben69_Xx January 20, 2021

36πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Also known as the Persuader, he can persuade even Warren Buffet to give him a small loan of a million dollars and never pay him back. Enhanced interrogation techniques must be used if youҀ™re ever going to get your money back. Desperately tries chasing after popularity by doing things he thinks are Γ’Β€Βœcool,Ҁ like drinking. Destined to be a tax evader and have multiple government agencies on his ass.

Dude: LoanҀ™s due. You got the cash?
Hale: IҀ™ll get it to you tomorrow bro
Dude: You know what I want.
Hale: Shit my bad maybe next week

A year later
Dude:Bruh give me my money already
Hale: What money now?

by xX_LordGaben69_Xx September 6, 2020

64πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


An illegitimate state.

Please. None of us have time to discuss such childish topics such as 'atheism, 'human rights,' or 'France.'

by xX_LordGaben69_Xx April 19, 2021

64πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

academic smurfing

Academic smurfing encompasses a wide variety of situations, but they're all a tactic used by a GPA whore.

Common examples of academic smurfing:
A student fluent in a foreign language, such as French, retaking the whole language from the easiest class, in this case, French 1, so they can easily get As in their 4 years of taking that language.

A student who has qualified for AP Calculus BC, but instead choosing to take AP Statistics or AP Calculus AB, as they are perceived to be easier AP classes. This highly depends on the school curriculum and prerequisites. Some schools have students take Calc AB before taking Calc BC. See booster.

A student dropping an honors/AP class and swapping it for another AP/honors/regular class the moment they get less than an A- on the first test, so they could protect their GPA and increase their chances of ending up with an A. See GPA whore

by xX_LordGaben69_Xx May 20, 2021

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž