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A student who takes easier advanced classes so they'd have an easier time getting a high grade in that class.
Primarily done with AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC, or one of the science APs(such as taking AP Biology instead of Chemistry).

Highly depends on the school curriculum offered, grading systems, and prerequisites.

Also see GPA whore.

Guy 1: Hey, wasn't X supposed to be with us in Calc BC this year?
Guy 2: Yeah, but after hearing from the seniors about how hard it was, he took AP Statistics so it'll be easier to get an A. "Still an AP" was his defense.
Guy 1: What a fucking booster. It's not like a single A- or B+ will fuck him over for Stanford. This class is curved as fuck too. What a GPA whore.

by xX_LordGaben69_Xx April 30, 2021

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