Source Code


Laughing On a Box Outside.

Text to random homeless person: "hey gabbi, why did the chicken cross the road?"

Gabbi: "why"

Random person: "because it had AIDS"

Gabbi: "LOBO!"

by xavier wells December 8, 2010

22👍 24👎



Redneck/Hick version.

Fuck dem fags. We live in 'merica! land of the free. Sept for dem rag heads.

by xavier wells December 8, 2010

507👍 353👎


One who fucks penis

hey andrew, I heard you fuck penis, are you a penisfucker?

by xavier wells October 16, 2010

40👍 8👎

Anti-Matter Suppository Capsule (AMSC)

A devise one must insert into their rectum upon learning the secret of the space-time continuum, whereby the mental energy required to process these thoughts outweighs that of gravity itself; and creates an unstable void in our very universe. The anti-matter suppository capsule combats this with copious amounts of radiation.

*smoking weed alone in basement:

hits large bowl; *thinks about the origins of the universe

*universe begins to impode upon itself
*sticks Anti-Matter Suppository Capsule (AMSC) in rectum
*all is as it was... except now incredibly high

by xavier wells March 5, 2012

12👍 1👎


To beat/destroy someone at something in such an epic manner, that the letter "e" in "rape" can no longer support the word, and as a result, the internet will implode upon itself if said letter is not replaced with the number "3".

"Bro you just got raped"

*internt implodes
Jonny: "gosh darnit, i should've used rap3d"

by xavier wells October 20, 2010

15👍 2👎


One who fucks dick so fast that they are forced to go into overdrive

Hey andrew, i heard your able to go into a state of Dickfuckeroverdrive

by xavier wells October 16, 2010

25👍 7👎