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The language spoken in Hawaii. There are more words in the Pidgin English language than proper English, because pidgin is derived from the combination of many other languages, now revolving around the base of english, there's hawaiian, filipino, japanese, and other languages added around that.
from what if first started off from, it transformed into something more grammatical, and with an accent of its own. Haoles have a hard time understanding, not just because we use words from another language, and because of the accent, but also because our sentencing is set up differently. the order in which we say sentences isn't english grammer format, it's more of a japanese, hawaiian, filipino format, haha.
spoken by locals of hawaii of any racial background, hawaiian, filipino, japanese, haole, etc; also spoken with many different degrees of pidginism, depending on what area of hawaii one may be in.
so, if get stupid haoles who think locals to hawaii is stupid cause we no speak proper english, then you're the ignorant fools, cause our pidgin language is more complex than your "proper english."

differences between pidgin and non-pidgin

local style: brah, when we going go to the store? i like get one musubi already!"
haole style: when will we be going to the store? i have quite a hunger, and am currently craving a hot dog.

local style: eh brah, what time now?
haole style: excuse me sir, but do you happen to have the time?

local style: eh braddah man, we go fishing!? i heard get mean kine strikes at polihua!
haole style: hey, would you like to go fishing? i heard the catfish at the lake are currently biting.

by xenoshi April 1, 2008

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