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after age 12, party means a place where people go to get drunk, high, or get laid, depending on the balance of one sex to another. In high school, you are immediately demoted to "loser" status if you don't party every weekend. These may not even be things you want to do, but peer pressure forces you into thinking they're important and necessary to fit in with the other bunch of teenage tools. In other words, you can't be cool unless you go and get fucked up every chance you get. It is sad, considering that is all our current generation cares about, and it's scary to think they will be leading the world at some point. By the way, I never get invited to parties for god knows what reason.

Evan: What up Nick, you hear about Mikes massive party tonight?
Nick: Yeah, sounds like it'll be pretty cool.
Evan: So who you gettin a ride from?
Nick: I wasn't invited.
Evan: Really? That sucks ass dude, well I gotta go I'll catch you later.
Nick: Yeah later.

It's pretty funny how people like Evan care enough to ask if you got invited, yet they don't give two shits when they hear that you weren't. Welcome to high school.

While everybody else is having fun, I'm sitting at my house doing the same 6 things over and over because I have no other options
-play xbox
-watch TV
-stare at the computer
-eat what little food there is at my house
-text my friends without getting replys
-go to sleep early because I'm way too bored

story of my life, and after the weekend is over, I have to listen to everybody talk about how fucking awesome their weekend was in class on monday. Don't you just love being the odd one out?

by xxAdversityxx April 22, 2010

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