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House Cat

House Cat is a very emotional animal. She usually listens to bipolar music. House Cats are terrible people sometimes, and then they act all high another minute later. House Cat is a good person but doesnt realize it. I love house cat. House Cat is a ninga, and she has AIDs. She is a pretty cool person. House Cats love fire. One might even call her a bit of a pyro. She needs mental help, but dont we all? I love this chick, she's my bestfriend. House Cats are annoying sometimes though. She wont do anything to hurt somebody, only emotionaly. House Cats are very kind people, and theyre awesometasticc. Even though they have terrible taste in guys. Speccifically guys named Justyn. Nobody likes Justyn. He's a terrible person and House Cat is wayyyyy too good for him!

Person1-'Dude who's that chick over there hanging out with that dick, Justyn?'

Person-'Yo, thats a House Cat!'

Person1-'Man she's hot! But that guys Justyn is a loser!'

by xxchiaratxx April 27, 2010

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