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pineapple kush

pretty self-explanitory, kush that tastes and smells like pineapple. from what i can tell though, pineapple kush is alot stronger than other kinds of kush.. probably not as strong as the rare pineapple express but it is indeed still some one hitter quitter shit.. i wouldn't suggest taking more than a hit if your a light weight that freaks out easy after smoking.

after clearing a bowl of mids and two hits of some pineapple kush, i was pleasently stupid... bout a half hour later, i was laying there shivering and my legs felt as if they were having a seizure. this was in a 75 degree bedroom. you probably thinking "yup, your a lightweight too" but really, i'm not...

by y2c January 31, 2011

34πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


one who is friendly to you/others in your/people's presence, but will say negative things about you when your not around in a heartbeat. some people do it all the time, some just in moderation...

it's something that everyone is at least a little bit at some point in their/your life, just like hypocrites.

everyone is a backstabber, everyone is a hypocrite. almost pointless to even use these too words...

by y2c January 10, 2011

32πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

cleavage shot

a girl's(well, usually a girl's..)picture usually found on myspace or facebook/etc. that is taken from above showing off anywhere from a beautiful,massive cleavage all the way to tiny,acne-loaded mosquito bite tits..and everything in between.

whether the girl takes the picture herself, or not and whether it was done on purpose or not is usually unknown.

some funny things to note about these are; if she has one, she usually has a bunch more.... and also, if word gets around about you and or someone else relieving themselves to these photos, the girl usually winds up getting all pissed and offended. if you don't want guys getting stiff/girls getting wet to your whore-ish cleavage shots, then DON'T FUCKING POST THEM!!!!

last time i saw sam, she gave me this dirty ass look and this is seeing her for the first time in like two years. guess word got out about me jacking to her one of her cleavage shots. it's really not my fault, if she didn't have any of them in the first place, then maybe i wouldn't have gotten so damn horny for her. oh well, i love me a good cleavage shot anyways.

by y2c January 12, 2011

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


people for whatever reason, consider m80's to be "fireworks" or "firecrackers". but dynomite is an explosive, and whats an m80? quarter stick of dynomite!!

they don't make big colorful sparks in the sky, nor small colorful sparks on the ground/partially in the air. no,the soul purpose is to literally blow something up with an m80. a solid object, not just blown of for the hell of it. make sense? stupid? idk. idc. it's just my point.

m80. there's the freaking example.

by y2c July 5, 2011

16πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


an outdated,stupid piece of shit insult that is/was usually used by gaming nerds and wow lovers all over.it generally has no meaning,considering there are all different definitions for the word on this site,and since it isn't a real word,this is the only place you can find it defined,not in a dictionary.i haven't heard anyone say "n00b" or type it in over a year,so it's definatly outdated at this point.so that saying,anyone that still uses it HERE in 2009 is just a fuckin complete loser,and a lifeless good for nothing piece of shit.so you better put down the video games,and get a fucking life.

typical online teen kid:aww bro,shut the hell up man,your just a "n00b",you piece of crap "n00b".so get a life "n00b".

me:yeah noob doesn't mean jack shit.so stop trying to diss me by using such a shitty insult.and if your using that word still,your the one that needs to get a life,cause your a lazy worthless piece of gamer shit,and you don't know fucking nothing.

by y2c April 18, 2009

22πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

good times withdrawl

in a nutshell what jose said. can also be the feeling you get after a very good night out, etc., almost like you won't have that much fun ever again. usually happens after fun, rare occasions like a wedding or once in a lifetime things like turning 21.

after a crazy night of bar hopping for my 21st birthday, i have a case of what they call good times withdrawl. needless to say it kind of sucks i can't turn 21 again right now and the following nights are going to be fucking boring.
and i can hardly wait to get back to work...

by y2c August 14, 2011

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


hearing something thats not really there;
or thinking you heard something but you really didnt.basically hilucinating for the ears.

i came downstairs thinking my dad called my name,but upon asking him he had no idea what i was talking about,thats hearlucinating

by y2c January 10, 2009

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