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Jelly Fuckers

another name for a cop

Those jelly fuckers gave me a fine!

by youngdiple August 14, 2006

13👍 15👎

nigger good

not the best but not the worst

That pussy was nigger good

by youngdiple August 14, 2006

48👍 40👎

dope dick

when a guy is having sex after snorting heroin,his penis is rock hard,but even after hours of sex he cant cum

The opposite of coke dick

He had dope dick with her last night

by youngdiple August 2, 2006

263👍 107👎

Nigger Visa

A Nigger Visa is the welfare card food stamps

I just bought a ton of food with my nigger visa

by youngdiple August 14, 2006

342👍 75👎