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buzz off

What you say in response to inane posts on Google Buzz.

Don: Bzzzz!
Me: Buzz off...

by your_mom123 February 10, 2010

33👍 28👎


Fantastic, but further affirmed by the word prefix indicating the absolute truth of this fantasticality.

That chica is wordtastic!

by your_mom123 September 1, 2010

5👍 2👎


Someone who is totally amazingly awesome. A cross between bomb diggity and beezie.

Val is the bombeezie.

by your_mom123 September 1, 2010

4👍 1👎


A user of Google Buzz. Such a user is a buzzard because they're circling waiting for the demise of other social networking.

All the buzzards are waiting around for facebook to die so they can eat its eyeballs.

by your_mom123 February 10, 2010

22👍 25👎