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a way to describe anything stupid/jokingly smart

guy 1: "I feel like yallahmed, i am yallahmed."
guy 2: "You just killed the hostage bro."
guy 3: "Hes just being an idiot again."

by yourlocalchildmuncher August 18, 2022


A very wierd name . Especially for a fish

bro 1: whats that really long named fish again?
bro 2: what the humuhumunukunukuapua'a?
bro 1:yes thats the one

by yourlocalchildmuncher October 10, 2022


a form of cheese slice

guy 1: bro whats a chexbit
guy 2: a 37 degree (angle) slice of mature british cheddar cheese
guy 1: what the fuck

by yourlocalchildmuncher October 10, 2022

Gavin mcthundercock

The true god

“Who is your god , what is your religion”
“”My god is Gavin Mcthundercock and he is a fucking legend””

by yourlocalchildmuncher October 21, 2022

Gavin Mcthundercock

God or a way to describe someone during sex

person 1: " Im an absolute gavin Mcthundercock"
person 2 " Proove it"
person 1 " Bend over"
person 1 " *summons a nightmare demon* here you go "

by yourlocalchildmuncher September 27, 2022


a very stupid child

guy 1: what the fuck is jimmy doing?
guy 2: idk bro hes beign an absolute bognonglan

by yourlocalchildmuncher October 11, 2022


something you dont have

guy 1: where is my girlfriend?

by yourlocalchildmuncher October 10, 2022