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Claiming feast

A phrase that is used when you're stoned to signify that it's time to grab a snack. With "Claiming" being the verb to describe the announcement being made and the "feast" is referring to the munchies you're about to grab.

Person 1: Im starving lets go hit up farah's!!
Person 2: Oh poor one, buddeh's claiming feast!!

by yzzoP February 12, 2023

Burger on thin ice

A phrase that is used to describe someone who is about to make a mistake or fail at something. The phrase is a metaphor where the “burger” represents the person and the “thin ice” represents the precarious or unstable situation they are in.

The homeboy bought a $300 jacket in instalments!! Truly a burger on thin ice.

by yzzoP January 25, 2023

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