Source Code

sum bitch

Expression: contracted form of son-of-a-bitch. A derision on someone's character.

Fuck you, you sum bitch!

by ziptied April 1, 2003

246👍 41👎


A person who prefers to fuck fat chicks.

John really gets into fat chicks. What a fucking plumper.

by ziptied April 1, 2003

96👍 269👎


To do wrong by someone. To give someone a raw deal.

Hey, this is only half of what you promised! Why you want to screw me like that?

by ziptied April 2, 2003

111👍 82👎


To flick a woman's nipple with the tongue very rapidly in order to achieve nipple erection.

She wouldn't let me fuck her right away, so I fingered her clam and bobbled her tits.

by ziptied April 2, 2003

15👍 26👎


One who is completely without worth. A person with no value whatsoever. Usually combined with other epithets on one's character.

"You are one unorganized, grabbasstic piece of amphibious shit!"

Loosely adapted from Full Metal Jacket

by ziptied April 2, 2003

44👍 30👎