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lurk moar

A popular variant spelling of lurk more. It is an expression used when someone demonstrates their ignorance of the customs and social expectations of an online community, or otherwise makes an idiot of themselves online. Its use indicates that the person so instructed should gain familiarity with the community before posting further.

annoying_n00b: LOL @ my genius! I am the greatest! Surely everyone loves me by now.
everyone else: LURK MOAR

by zuffix August 12, 2007

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Internet slang, meaning kicked off of a website for violating its Terms of Service.

He was TOSed off of Livejournal after getting his third DMCA notice.

by zuffix August 4, 2007

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Internet slang, meaning kicked off of a website for violating its Terms of Service.

He was TOSed off of Livejournal after getting his third DMCA notice.

by zuffix August 4, 2007

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Your submission was canceled before it was reviewed by editors.

"Your submission was canceled before it was reviewed by editors." is bullshit.

by zuffix August 6, 2007

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thoughts on yaoi

Not meant literally as interest in your thoughts on yaoi! It is an expression used to indicate tl;dr ramblings on a subject the listeners aren't interested in.

-<lengthy off-topic rant>
-But what are your thoughts on yaoi?

-I was trying to get back to the subject at hand, but she kept giving me her thoughts on yaoi.

by zuffix August 5, 2007

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name smushing

The practice of blending two names together to form a ship name.

Some name smushes are Bangel, Spuffy, LoVe, Clex, and Snarry. Harmony is a modified name smush.

Cutesy name smushing is annoying, but so are obscure pairing names like The Government Stole My Toad.

by zuffix August 5, 2007

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Faking a terminal illness or death on the internet. May be done for the lulz, to get sympathy and lip gloss, or to see who your real friends are. A pseuicide usually divides a web community into suckers and insensitive douchebags. Death announcements can be made by a sockpuppet.

Also known as pseudocide and Munchausen by Proxy Server. Not to be confused with suicide.

A: It turns out Josh didn't die of consuption after all. His brother and best friend posting from the hospital were just sockpuppets.
B: Not another pseuicide!

by zuffix August 6, 2007

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