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1) Some one who was once called Stryke P and raps like an American
2) Someone who finally was baptized by the Mboko god and became known as Pascal but due to stubbornness he left the Mboko Religion
3) Someone who disrespects his boss in public when influenced by friends

He is a snake , he is such a Pascal

by Yongka May 13, 2019


An average guy in terms of looks,and academics but has a thing for politics,he is very determined when he sets his mind to something ,he can be charming at times especially to his lady but has a very high tendency of getting addicted to sex.

Pascal won the election

by Da viv February 6, 2020


Very good Minecraft progamer. Hardcore Roblox and Club Penguin gamer. Wrote several books like "Tilbake Knapa".

Good friend which gets all the girls in school. Likeable and German.

Guy 1: Is Pascal in School today?
Guy 2: No, his belly hurt.

by Redrabel December 26, 2017


Gay ass mf who d rides hxh and always misses

Hey who is that guy?

Hot take: Pascal hasnt even hit once in his career

by SpikeIsPeak September 15, 2021


A stupid guy, most of all times a dutch person, used to fuck bitches, he will be homeless in the future!

A good person, named pascal

by Pascal-Bluf September 6, 2017

Céline et Pascal

when das couple go to the cinéma with a lumière über their heads. sie watch un film, maybe un film sur politique or love or Alejandro Jodorowsky, depending on leur mood. Then they sit in the velvety seat, purple seat, and they lachen and smile nice and plein de tendresse. One moment beide parties raise the arm to put over others' shoulder, le même moment! and then they look wie eine russische Brüder drinking vodka and beaucoup de mélancholie. süß und calm, they know the adversities of Leben so ils célèbrent this exact point in temps. Das Hier and Now.

Une histoire de Céline et Pascal.

by Krkič June 23, 2019


Jean-Pascal Is someone really special in a good way and awesome in many other ways

Jean-Pascal should talk less sometimes

by Veraxe November 23, 2021