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A very handsome and sexy guy. He is also tall and really good in relationships and is very loyal to his partner. A Pascal might seem awkward at first, bit once you get to know him he is really funny and hyper. Pascal can also be a real asshole sometimes but he is a good friend most of the time.

"dude Pascal is so awkward"
"Pascal is fucking hot"

by Fuck_Dick_Ass_Cunt July 21, 2014

676👍 78👎


He is the type of guy that makes every girl fall by walking past them. Best person to take with to a party, hypest person you’ll ever meet. He has probably the biggest,fattest dick in ur continent. If u get to smash him its gonna feel like you’ve succeeded in life. At first he may seem very cocky but when you get to know the guy you’ll see that he has the biggest heart. When he falls for someone he would do anything to get them, when it finally happens he is gonna do everything to keep them by his side. He never gives up on things he wants to achieve and does evertithing to get there.
He is a real life dream come true.

Bitch1: “did u see pascals dingo dingo in gym yesterday”
Bitch2: “I would like to sit on that”

Bitch1: “did u see pascals dingo dingo in gym yesterday”
Bitch2: “I would like to sit on that”

by youngsexybitch January 7, 2019

136👍 14👎


a beast with a microwave

no one can cook ready meals like pascal can

by PascalIsaGod February 10, 2018

62👍 7👎


A wonderful, sweet guy, who is extremely good looking with a good fashion sense and who's also very funny, he will literally always make you laugh and he deserves the world. His voice sounds sweet like an apple pie. He doesn't talk as much as others but if he does you'll never want him to stop. He'll always ask how you are and doesn't stop asking and he'll cares more about you than you think, even if you think he doesn't. A Pascal might seem cold at times but if you look under the surface you'll know that he isn't like this. If you're sad, he's always there for you.

"Pascal is so cute!"
"Wow, have you ever met someone as funny as Pascal?"

by youthfully January 2, 2017

27👍 2👎


Pascal is a daddy of the ladies: nikita, laura and kaya. you can aslo refere him to balzy.

pascal is my favourite sugar daddy

by pascal_lover123 March 11, 2019


A good looking, tall and intelligent guy who may seem like a douche at first but will prove to be an excellent friend with a great taste in music.

Has an undeniably sweet side, tendency to give nicknames.

person 1:"got to know Pascal and he's a great guy really"

person 2:"I knew he had a nice side to him"

by sparkofdraco September 25, 2011

555👍 197👎


Weapon used to piss on hobos

verb- To Pascal someone

"Dude, I saw a homeless guy asking me money today, I Pascaled him"

by Jefefe DunHAM dot com February 1, 2009

191👍 114👎