Source Code

Loft Dweller

An alternative for Basement Dweller for those who lack a basement. Attic Dweller is also an acceptable alternative.

David: "We need to get Mikey out of the loft. He's turning into a Loft Dweller."
Finn: "What can we do? He doesn't have a basement."

by BlueXander May 30, 2023


(verb): to loft, The act of not replying to a message due to a relaxed or lazy state, without intending to ignore the sender.

Lofted, Loft, Loftiness

-Nickey Knoxx c. 2024

Sorry for lofting you, I replied I just forgot to hit send.

by Nickey Knoxx July 14, 2024


(verb): to loft, The act of not replying to a message due to a relaxed or lazy state, without intending to ignore the sender.

Lofted, Loft, Loftiness

-Nickey Knoxx c. 2024

Sorry for lofting you, I replied I just forgot to hit send.

by Nickey Knoxx July 14, 2024