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Heat Stinking Missle

is when you take an object and thrust it into the "ecess" space in the triangular like shape formed when a person is in a sitting position on a chair and the two cheeks of the butt are visible. You must aim between the cheeks and thrust the object there.

Chris sits down in a chair, Stephen walks behind and quickly thrusts the object into the triangle zone causing an uproar in Chris's Anus.

by Windexter April 15, 2003

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Cuban Missle Crisis

That thing that no one knew about nor gave a poo poo about until Black Ops was released. Now it beats the cigar stereotype.

Before playing Cod Black Ops, I thought Castro was the president of Mexico.

(Cuban Missle Crisis must be included!!!!!11111!!)

by Clueless Fuck January 4, 2011

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purple headed heat seeking moisture missle

its a dick... its not a mouth based video game...

I'll massage the back of your throught with my purple headed heat seeking moisture missle!

by crash.......... November 9, 2007

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tripod mounted twin beam dual reactor multipurpose particle ray with a built in ion cannon 3d particle accelleration device with a tissue mutation bean cryo genetical freezing sereum intergrated missle defence system nuclear powered air refraction device

Pretty self explanatory isnt it?

the tripod mounted twin beam dual reactor multipurpose particle ray with a built in ion cannon 3d particle accelleration device with a tissue mutation bean cryo genetical freezing sereum intergrated missle defence system nuclear powered air refraction device with a titanium plated nano enhanced bio genetic subterranean drilling unit with a cold fusion powered fission controlled pulse repition wave generator with a neuro planted japan made self installed mind manipularisation array with a biodegradable hand made master control terminal with a built in light emitting diode is good

by Hows Your [FACE] October 14, 2006

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The Predator Missle

The sexual act of climbing to the top of your dresser and jumping into your partner dick and balls a'floppin in hopes of insertion screaming "FRIENDLY PREDATOR MISSLE INBOUND!"

Best performed by surprise, can also be used to enter through the back door

The Predator Missle:

Tina: "oh baby fuck me hard Tommy!"


by Vaporname June 4, 2023

Nepalese Mud-Missle

same thing as a blumpkin, minus the toilet

I landed a huge Nepalese Mud-Missle right in the middle of Walmart psrking lot just before I made this Urban Dictionary entry

by UncleBlumpkin June 7, 2024

Homing Missle

1. A ballistic weapon usually fired from a stationary stand or a missile range. They can have heat-seeking capabilities, can be guided manually, or be controlled using radar. Very deadly.

2. Where a male is strongly attracted to a woman, and his weapon cannot resist chasing the female. It usually makes its impact between the legs of the female in her bosum or in her vagina.

Only in extreme cases does it head for the mouth.

NOTE: This is not a disease, but a very strong form if love. Sometimes, but very rarely, it occurs in the females.

The World knew that the rebels had missiles, but what they did not know is that they had homing missles, and thus they were more deadly.

The man was deeply attracted to the woman he wanted to make love to. His homing missle headed straight for the target between her legs, and began to perform a russian amphitheatre.

by The Iron Piston May 16, 2013