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Soy-roid White Knight

A man who sweats when a girl talks to him and when the certain girl leaves chat because someone else made fun of her, then the "Soy-roid White Knight" would proceed to tag the girl in chat and tell her to not listen to that dirtbag and that he'll wash her boyfriend's laundry to make her feel better.

Girl: Hi

by MysteryBoye April 22, 2020

SSW (Simp, Soy Boi, White Knight)

Simp, Soy Boi, White Knight. A collective and derogatory term for males (not men) who believe in "patriarchy" have T-shirts that say "This is what a feminist looks like", are the emotional tampon and ultimate friend-zone bench-warmer for any girl who rates over a 5 in attractiveness. These males will always come to the rescue of a physically attractive female regardless of how bad her behaviour is toward other people or him. The SSW thinks he can attract women by being "vulnerable, emotional, and kind". The SSW is the complete opposite of an Alpha male and is secretly detested by every woman.

SSW (Simp, Soy Boi, White Knight)

Damn dude, this forum is filled with SSW's who think they can get laid by defending every chick who is cheating on her boyfriend. Fucking pathetic.

by VomitComit May 20, 2020

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White liberal knight

A white person who projects white guilt and is ashamed to be a white person. These fuckheads display very abnormal and unnatural likeness for black people.

John - A black man raped and then killed three minor young white girls execution style.

Jane - I'd say death penality is the most inhumane and barbaric punishment a human can impose on other.

John - Are you fucking kidding me? You bitch! You fucking white liberal knight!

by Ace4077 December 7, 2019

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White Castle Knight

The one heavier friend that always brags about how much he can eat, despite the information being universally not cared for.

"Hey guys- I bet I could order and eat 7 craving boxes from Taco Bell if we went right now."
"Jeffery, shut the fuck up you fatass White Castle Knight, your over-eating is unsettling to say the least."

by Mickey Terf May 24, 2019

White Knight

White Knights are the strong good guys with stronger protective instincts. White Knights try and do the right thing. They are the guys at parties who try and prevent girls from getting roofied and raped. When a White Knight does do bad things they feel bad later and often will try to make things right. White Knights are often hated for their protective instinct by predators. Predators will say that White Knight's protective instinct is just a strategy to get laid but really it's the White Knights natural instinct.

The White Knight saved a drunk girl from a rapist. The White Knight stopped a kid from being human trafficked. The rapist hated the White Knight and slandered him.

by WanderingLearner May 23, 2024

White Knight

A simp, worded different.

"Man, Carl's being a major white knight for Jasmine."

by OofMeistro October 5, 2020

White Knight

A KKK warrior

"Did you see that Kyle is a white knight" "Yeah he wore his robe/armor"

by Yeet Delet April 28, 2020