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Something worn by gay guys, typically extremely gay and in their 20s-40s. Has been a common way to tell if a man is gay or not since the 1960s.

Jimmy: Omg! Juhsiah is wearing a robe! He’s gay!

by wikipediasource172 February 24, 2021

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Robe is a gorgeous, beautiful, thicc, intelligent and talented female. she makes every girl who passes by jealous and make every guy fall for her. She's also very intelligent and sexy. she a thicc bitch unlike maria. her ass too thicc it doesn't fit in her pants.

Zahra: I wish i was as beautiful as robe
Tristan: I would die for this hoe

by Duyaesfiuvlbas gisg December 4, 2019

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Something weird or lame

β€œHe works at safety swim” β€œomg that’s so robe”

by Nattybdjg June 13, 2019

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A gaming expression in Georgia, when player quits the game because he was not healed or the team mate is not communicating with him, or when in subconscious level 13 years old virgin is waking up

I don't want to ROBE with you anymore!
P.S Quits the Discord

by yochagh October 22, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


akin to "awesome" or "amazing

Those kicks are totally robe, man!

by mr ichijo July 21, 2020

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A gaming expression in Georgia, when player quits the game because he was not healed or the team mate is not communicating with him , or subconscious phase when 13 years old virgin wakes up inside him/her

I don't want to ROBE with you anymore!
P.S Exits Discord

by yochagh October 22, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


if facepalming was a person. probably thinks "you draw like Picasso" is a compliment, has the mental capacity of a floppy disk, would be falling for 30mins if he drops from how high he thinks his skill ceiling is to his actual skill ceiling, checks his teammates damage and kd more than he checks his ego, probably has thought of making his own frag movie but has no actual knowledge on how to do so. But he does have a redeeming quality where he is able to, without any cost or condition, piss off anybody that he is playing with.

*Robed joins the call
Everyone collectively: ffs

by ayanosimp727 July 6, 2022