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slow joanne

whenever someone isn’t understanding something properly or at all, you call them a ‘slow joanne’

mymy: the third letter in hello is ‘l’
lili: i don’t get it
lala: of course you don’t, slow joanne

by yadeeyadeeya June 6, 2021

1👍 1👎

pissy slow

is when someone is moving really slow and it is pissing you off

jay:come on man its time to go
ralph:hold on dude
Jay:dude come on your movin like pissy slow i got somewhere to be dammit

by ROCKstr FAMOus June 12, 2008

slow greg

being really drunk and having sex. you can get it up but there is no way that you will ever blow.

"Fuck man, I had a slow greg last night. I have the worst blue balls right now."
sex drunk blow cum

by wassupdood123 February 4, 2009

slow bug

When someone does something dumb and it irritates you

You slow bug

by Oranges15162 December 2, 2020

Slow bug

When someone does something dumb

You slow bug

by Oranges15162 December 2, 2020

Slow feri

To sexually harass in a way of not being gentlemen, disrespecting manners and showing off you are a member of the elite and abusing that sort of social asymmetry when talking to girls or young women. It could resort to insisting verbally on getting nudes from girls (especially ones from the instagram followers). The idiom is reffering to Diminik Feri's affair, 2021.

Hi bro, what's up? I gave her slow feri and look, nudes delivered. You need to know how to treat them.

by Linguotheobserver June 5, 2021

Slow 90s

We all know that the 90s was the best years ever so if you have Slow 90s ur pretty lame lmao

You have a Slow 90s

by The90s May 10, 2019