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Go back to Facebook

When there's a Karen (or a facebook mom) who is being really annoying on a different social media platform (e.g. twitter), and should just go back to Facebook. It's used when people are really annoying. It's basically a way of saying "Go back to where you came from", but more respectfully, and less racist.

Karen: "Stop doing something, do something else."
A great human being: "Go back to Facebook!"

by ihfsdihaoifd September 21, 2021

Go back to WoW

The supreme insult in MMOs, especially thoses heavilly influenced by Everquest clones.

This game doesn't suck, go back to wow noob

by llamatron December 27, 2011

You've been naughty --- go back to my room!

What you eye-twinklingly say to someone who's making playfully-suggestive remarks and/or showing off his/her bodily lusciousness, to indicate dat you would like to engage in a hot-'n'-heavy bouncy-bouncy wif him/her.

What you say to someone who's UNDER da age of consent: You've been naughty --- go back to YOUR room!
What you say to someone who's OVER da age of consent: You've been naughty --- go back to MY room!

by QuacksO October 31, 2023

Like omigosh like totally go back to the val-ley

An expression used to denote someone who is acting lame at the moment. Something that a Southern California girl would say especially back in the 1980s. This was made popular by the Shirley the Loon character in the cartoon Tiny Toon Adventures.

Person #1- We should just have fun today.
Person #2- *smirks*...OK (whatever)....*smirks*
Person #1- Jaimie don't be like that.. Like omigosh like totally go back to the val-ley. Like that's totally lame.

by TheSouthernOracle November 26, 2020

Harish Go Back

Said by my habibi Anish S....

Hey, Harish Go Back of the line.

by nicehariline123 May 3, 2022

Go back to the kitchen

The most original and funniest thing you can say to a women on cod

“Anyone got a mic?”

by Rj12139 May 23, 2023

Go back to your ex

6th of October is the Day that you go back to your ex and text him/her. Have fun:)

-Hey Mary i miss my ex:(
-Ey emily its go back to your ex Day go text him

by Urmom8282992829292 October 3, 2020