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Cut off

To stop communicating with someone you have had a past friend/relationship that usually isn’t good for you or the person you’re with

I told my girlfriend to cut off her ex

by Cuppy.cake.princess July 13, 2021

Christmas Cut-Off

The appropriate amount of time to start a relationship and have the obligation of bringing them home to the family for the holidays and/or buying gifts. The ideal date is a minimum of 2 months before the holiday: October 25.

Any relationship started after October 25 doesn't necessarily qualify as a mandatory invitation to visit the family or buy gifts.

If he doesn't get his act together, he won't have anyone in place for the Christmas Cut-Off and he'll be the only single loser of the family.

by TK403 September 22, 2014

Cut me off

What James Charles said to his Penis

“But ya didn’t have the cut me off” JamesFloppa

by DaPussy_Slaya August 24, 2022

Cut it off

A slang term for castration or used to ask some to stop doing or saying something that is annoying or offensive, sometimes used to to indicate a man’s marvelous ability to organize his language before he speaks.

Man 1:”Cut it off guys

by DinkyMcdungus November 20, 2022