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Mosquito Foreplay

Going at it with two straws at a strawberry daquerie in a Mexican restaurant.

Doyle and Victoria's mosquito foreplay lead to a sticky mess at Pueblos.

by YourFriendlyNeighborhoodJew October 30, 2014

West Virginia Foreplay

The act of giving your sister a foot massage

Mother: I saw you giving Betty Lou some West Virginia Foreplay
Me: We only went to second base afterward

by ButtMunchee September 6, 2021

employment foreplay

Employment Foreplay is when an employer gets you all worked up about a job, and then gives it away to someone else.

Steve totally played employment foreplay with that fulltime job I applied for, he got me all worked up making me think I was going to get it, but gave it to someone else instead.

by Mynameisreal666 May 13, 2022

sibling foreplay

When two people act as familiar as siblings and yet the sexual tension is clearly palpable.

Quit with the ol slap and tickle this sibling foreplay is just about intolerable.

by oracle of umph October 14, 2015

Pig foreplay

Sticking a pigs moms bacon inside the Childs ass

I heard farmer brown gave charlottes little pig buddy a pig foreplay sesch

by Jayz angus June 23, 2011