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Full time is a adjective used to describe Somthing done 40 hours a week or more
created by Jeremy Martin and ryan hobaugh

Your dating her? That girl is a bitch fulltime

by Full time July 2, 2011

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


People who live full time in a RV

Fulltiming is what we do by living in an RV and travel and don't have a sticks and bricks house.

by Hitchitch September 6, 2009

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Fulltiming is a simple definition for someone who is going into a job at full time.
Full time employment is about 30+ hours.

Yokumo maa... says (14:51):
you gonna be fulltiming?

Carl says (14:51):
hopefully lol

by MariYt June 8, 2009

Fulltime Killer

kick ass movie about hitmen by Johnny To and Ka-Fai Wai, starring Andy Lau, Takashi Sorimachi and Kelly Lin. As to be diffrentiated from part-time killer, such as myself.

Ass: "Gimme your lunch money."
Me: "I'd kill you, but i'm off. Come back in an hour when I'm on shift."

by bigtrick October 5, 2003

65πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A person without a job that has nothing better to do than to drive around all day at cruising speed. In some cases the driver actually owns the car but in most cases the driver is just pretending they do or it is a rental.

John: When I look out the window at work, I always see the same man driving around ALL day! Like doesn't he have anything better to do with his time?

Bob: He doesn't own that car and doesn't even have a job, hes nothing more than a Fulltime-Cruiser...

by GVorDie January 10, 2012

fulltime internet homo

Pretty much just Daniel Howell.
This happens when you β€žmeantβ€œ to say fulltime internet hobo....

β€žI quit COLLEGE to become a fulltime internet homo, I MEAN HOBO. Gosh.β€œ

by Strange Phangirl January 2, 2018