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knocking the bats out of the cave

Having sex with a old woman

Sorry I didn't answer , I was knocking the bats out of the cave.

by T592423 April 27, 2018

knocked me back

Surprises or stuns

That dinner really knocked me back!

by smartguy55 November 13, 2021

knock and pop

when u do a quicky with a virgin.

i knock and popped sarah last week!

by sheba71702 October 14, 2018

Knocked up, ho

pregnant with a bastard child.

Allison is an ugly bag of bones who is a knocked up, ho with a married man's bastard baby. Good luck to that child, Nicolai.

by Anya Marie. September 2, 2009

Having a knock

Having a knock is having a crackhead that you are sure will come back for more drugs.

Person 1: Do you have a knock yet?
Person 2: Yeah, didn't know that having a knock took so much work.

by Unwilledlight May 3, 2021

Having a knock

Having a knock is having a crackhead that you are sure will come back for more drugs.

Person 1: Did you get a knock yet?
Person 2: Yeah, didn't know that having a knock took so much work.

by Unwilledlight May 3, 2021

utility knock-knock joke

Any of several well-known "door-tap pun" verbal exchanges which involve either an offer ("Howard", "Tijuana", etc.) or a request ("Woodrow", "Kudu", etc.) by da speaker to da listener; often, said query is proffered in said manner in an effort to lighten da mood and add a little humor to said proposal, in order to hopefully take some of da sting outta da expressed idea, which might involve less-than-desirable aspects such as difficult/yucky/tedious labor, significant changes in habits/lifestyle such as being more active and/or giving up "comfort" foods, etc.

A lot of da utility knock-knock joke selections are somewhat "interchangeable" as far as their "request" or "offer" status --- i.e., a word dat's mostly intended for proposing an assistive/generosity action by da speaker to da listener (such as "Howard you like me to _?", or "Tijnana do/have _?") can also be used by da speaker for asking for assistance/charity from da listener (such as, "Howard you feel about doing _?", or "Tijuana volunteer to _?"). Or by da same token, a gigglingly-uttered conversing dat uses a word which is usually reserved for giving-of-time/resources appeals can also be used by da speaker to extend an offer of help to da listener, such as, "Woodrow like me to _?", or "Kudu let me help you out by _?"

by QuacksO June 15, 2024