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it often means like go fuck yourself or leave me alone

a word you say when you dont wanna type

hey wanna hang ?


by skilly deffo May 15, 2020


A term used when a girl is mad about something so she texts you “hm” hoping you take the hint. Equal to saying k or mhmm

I’m really sorry I cheated on you”

by Hailey.sarah December 5, 2018


hm is text slang(abbreviation) for "how much" normally referring to cash but also can be used for any type of currency

you:yo hm a half

they:yo it depends 90 bubba 110 gods gift an you could just take all the platinum you want shits ass
you; aiii ill lyk
they: bet

by SirRyanStrongJaw September 9, 2018


an abbreviation for how much/ many

"Hey, I was wondering HM that is."
"HM people at the party?"

by Mp02 December 7, 2016


Basically um/uh/erm but you don’t say anything

Guy: hey dude im ran over my truck with you’re dog
Other guy: Hm?

by I need help 2023 March 16, 2023

hm shmeh

A certain feeling of sheepishness experienced in social situations.

I wanted to talk to that girl, but whenever she comes around I'm all hm shmeh.

by iaintgotnofingers September 30, 2010


HMS is the definition of the worse school in history hands down! There would be rumors, fights almost everyday. Bitches talking the most shit for no reason, the bathrooms stink more than a girls pussy. The lighting is shit, there's not air conditioning. And when it's cold the heat never wanna work. Everyone and everything there is fake hands down!

HMS is plain horrible.

by Sike2002 May 26, 2017