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4th Generation ETHEREAL MANLY BEAUTY was given as title to Park Jongseong. A member of a kpop group called ENHYPEN and he's also known with the stage name of JAY. He can sing, he can rap, dance, the brain of the group, the cook, and the mood maker. He is also into fashion that's why he is called as "4th Generation Fashion Icon".

There's a post in pann community (a very known online forum in south korea), netizens talked on how they went crazy because ENHYPEN Jay's visual and charisma after seeing him in live performances especially on 2022 Weverse Con. He's not just all about face but he also had buff body that is built with muscles and good posture.

"ENHYPEN Jay is entitled as 4th Generation ETHEREAL MANLY BEAUTY."
"Park Jongseong is so handsome and masculine, he had the ethereal beauty in him"
"He has the symbol of ETHEREAL MANLY BEAUTY."

by intothekpop January 7, 2022

3👍 1👎


nishimura riki

nishimura riki is an etheral and elite human being

by ni-ki minaj December 31, 2022

punch the ether

It's when you break through the inertia of stuff and make an outcome from sheer will.

Let's get a rest now so we can go on and 'punch the ether' later!

by Mada Faca February 9, 2022


The breath of the Gods and very atmosphere of heaven. On Mount Olympus the upper atmosphere above the clouds was known as ether. Also put in cocaine.

If I were to breathe ether my whole life I would never die a physical death and would dwell in immortality all the days of my life.

by Sevfcantrell March 25, 2021


/ˈɛθlɪŋk/ 🔊
super-fast internet for the best gaming, using top-notch cables and tech.
SIMILAR: seamless, gaming-optimised, next-gen.

"I upgraded my gaming setup to include ether connectivity, ensuring super-fast internet for seamless online battles and next-gen gaming experiences."

by therealbestfriend October 1, 2023


The act of browsing UFOTwitter.

There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.

by ShakeLeather June 15, 2024


The most handsome god and is really attractive

George wants to be like ether.

by the epic ding a ling March 29, 2018