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When a mexican drives an astro van the van is called a burrito

"Yo how did adam get there"
"He drove the burrito"

by Scanlan313 January 18, 2012


taking a backpack, emptying it and reversing it inside out, and putting the things back in. Often used for joking.

Bill: what happened to my backpack!?
Bob: John burritoed it.

by John Carstillon March 7, 2012


A cat that is fat. Used to be named Skittles ( not sponsored) belonged to her mama Abigail. Bye sisters

Burrito why the fuck are you eating. The curtain?!?!

by Heysisspillthetea October 20, 2018


A Burrito is someone who has many friends like a Crustina and they like to hang around tables at school. Specifically, tables numbered four. That sounds really random but it has been scientifically proven by me.

Me: Who is that over there on table number 4

by ms paiz June 4, 2019

burrito penance

The grueling, and often painful, bathroom experience that may occur as a direct result of eating burritos.

"Saturday night burritos? You'll be doing Sunday morning burrito penance!"

by Deome February 2, 2016

burrito kiss

When either you and/or the gal you're going to make out with have consumed a fair amount of Taco Bell before you start kissing, causing the scent of Burritos to drift up into your nose as you're making out.

"Me and Amy drunkenly shared a little burrito kiss before I hate fucked her."

by Penis McFuckFace September 4, 2014

Wrapped Burrito

When Lady Tamara gets desperate that she will use all available orifice to engulf his penis like a Wrapped Burrito.

She's desperate for his account! A whole Wrapped Burrito!

by EVVONYY October 31, 2017