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cross fucking

the act of having sexual intercourse while in shape of an X. Seen mostly in hardcore porn videos.

He was cross fucking me last night. My pussy never bleed so much since then

by Noodleboilver6969 December 30, 2017

crossed pipe-hawk

A Special Operations Paratrooper that is skilled in finessing local indigenous people into doing their bidding. A skilled negotiator and mediator that sometimes operates in the grey area between right and wrong (morally).

“Those hajis were crossed pipe hawked into fighting the taliban goat fuckers in Nagahan.” “The Soldier with the crossed pipe-hawk insignia bangs chicks named Amber”. “The crossed pipe-hawk is what Lewis and Clark used for their expeditionary symbol.”

by Lickity_slitickitty April 13, 2024

Cross Country Dicking

When you travel from state to state to meet in the streets and get freaky in the sheets.

DeAndre: "Im gonna go 'Cross Country Dicking'. This girl is so freaky, my guy."
Jamal: "What the fuck is 'Cross Country Dicking'?"
D: "Its where you can drive from St. Louis to Chicago to go lay some pipe on it!"
J: "Damn. Well good luck."

by ThotPatrolThotBustersInc. July 21, 2019

Cross saucing

Using sauce from one brand with food from another.

I was cross saucing with my McNuggets in CFA sauce.

by kknack August 8, 2021

Cross play

A term used for a girl that gets railed by a selection of guys from many different schools

“Yo this bitch Annie is hot”
“Don’t fw her bro, she’s cross play

by Bucket_delicious December 22, 2020


the act of deceiving or give one the "run around" implying malicious intent during a time of collaboration.

"Bro, you mud-cross me again, I'm gonna kill yo ass."

"Girl, quit mud-crossing me. We was supposed to be married."

"Steven, after much deliberation and careful counsel, it has been unanimously decided that you have indeed be found mud-crossing on your best friend. Fuck you"

by NoxOne November 7, 2021

The Tijuana trunk crossing

When a gym enthusiast sharts whilst committing to a gut wrenching dead lift or squat.

"Did you see Danny squat 500lbs on tuesday!?" "I sure did, but he definitely finished off with the Tijuana trunk crossing. You could see it running down his legs before it smelled.

by Sal_paradise February 23, 2023