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A brand made for the Best Buy chain. They are what most call the "in house" brand or the "knockoff" brand. Nobody truly knows who makes the products. Their products have old parts from numerous brands which are assembled in an undisclosed location in Asia. Some are said to be made by LG, others by Funai or Orion.

The brand is sub-par and for the most part has "gets the job done" products. It is just a cheap alternative to the major brands, but sometimes they are priced at the same price as the mainstream wanted item.

Getting a universal remote to work with their products is a major hassle as well. Almost none of them have the code.

They are a sister brand to Dynex, another Best Buy brand with questionable origins.

I went to Best Buy and I saw a 52 inch Insignia LCD screen. It was pretty good, but its shotty history is very concerning. Not only that, but Geek Squad is a bitch to deal with. It's like dealing with that stubborn person in your family that only wants their way or the high way.

I rather spend the money on a nice Samsung or LG.

by 14th Street DC June 25, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The insignia is a term used to describe the variance between someone's perceives intelligence and their actual intelligence. Each Insignia measures 1 extra percent of perceived intelligence someone has for themselves or someone else.

"Dude holy shit that guy has 30 extra insignias, what a stuck up bitch"
"Bro wtf does that bitch think she's a professor she got 403 insignias"

by eshays bah 69420 September 7, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


something in game that is used to buy some particular stuffs in shop (mostly high rated stuff only). insignia can be said as barter stuffs. it can be gained by completing dungeons in certain level.

A: i need to buy that sword
B: sorry dude but your insignia is not enough.

by zyan_is_me December 12, 2013

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Vauxhall Insignia

Surprise! Itโ€™s the greatest car ever produced. By far better than its competitor Mond...๐ŸคฎMondeo

Wow look at that vauxhall insignia, itโ€™s much better than the mond... ๐Ÿคฎmondeo

by LegendInsignia May 27, 2020

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k77 flame insignia

A badge of honor, handed down by The King of Tranquilo for serving duties in the Fire Nation.

"Lieutenant! Congratulations on your k77 flame insignia!"

Thank you, soldier. It was well earned.

by kylocide February 4, 2022