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Porch of Geese

A line from family guy

Porch of Geese "Thats what i though a portugese was!"

by WinnieLemon September 9, 2022

act like geese and get the flock outta here

I'm fuckin leavin, syonarra

Go to your gf's house. She says," I'm on my period". "Well I guess it's about time to act like geese and get the flock outta here".

by Mr.McGinnis April 3, 2016

Geesing Around

When someone is goofing around and just in general acting like a silly goose.

Bro stop geesing around and actually listen to me

by Wadion April 26, 2024

Hunting Snow Geese

Going out to find a financially stable, advanced aged sexual partner in times of difficulty. Different from "Gold Digging" due to the lower standard, only needing to be stable, not rich, and looking from someone who would not be able to find a partner otherwise.

Normally undertaken but women of the Northern USA and Canada.

"I heard Layla is broke."
"Yeah. it's so bad, she's turned to Hunting Snow Geese."

by Lamnad April 1, 2020

I need to feed my geese

Humorous term for stating dat you hafta pause a moment to use your handkerchief, and thus you'll be making one or more loud "honking" noises. Generally said more frequently during da chillier months.

Saying, "I need to feed my geese" can indeed be a light-hearted way of informing your present company dat your nasal passages need clearing, but an even more delightfully-silly phrase to use might be, "I need to honk my air-horns"; said latter statement is also a more "obvious" way of saying it, since it more-closely resembles what you're needing to do.

by QuacksO December 30, 2022