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kev is a wholesome person if u see this ily<3 it also means fag*ot and a dim*it. Love ya

Tyan : can you send me a nicki manaj picture?

Kev: no

Tyan is sad because kev didn’t give him nicki manaj pics

by Tyanlovesme May 4, 2021


kev was the best thing australia has ever had. kev was a little insecure but he has a big heart and he was good at saying sorry. Kev is a ledge.

person one: who is australias best citizen?
person two: kev

by maddstinator69 August 27, 2018


Kev Is the drippiest nigga alive. he always pullin hella bitches but then dips. He Part of the curly gang and he is black

God Damn Kev Be Drippin

by juice-wrld999 December 16, 2019


To see through someone's bullshit and just straight up ignoring them and moving on immediately.

Ana María mastered the art of keving during my first semester of Communication's History.

Did Rosa just keved me? That bitch.

Kevin gets keved on the daily.

by M.J. Prinsloo September 15, 2021

Cheers Kev

A statement made my someone after listening to a person say something completely disinteresting, boring or unnecessary. A possible substitute for cool story bro nobody in the conversation needs to be called Kevin.

Person 1 - So I had a really productive today of hoovering the living room, cleaning the bathroom & walking the hamster.
Person - ....Cheers Kev

by Ledds27 March 20, 2016

cheers kev

When someone says something very boring or completely irrelevant say to them "cheers kev"

Kieran: Wish I wrote a diary when I was younger

James: Cheers Kev

by Dirty dog nonce March 22, 2016

cheers kev

Cheers Kev is a statement used when a person is telling an uninteresting anecdote or sharing their unwelcome opinion that nobody really cares about. It is said at the end of said anecdote or unnecessary opinion as to say, 'Thanks you wanker. I really needed to know that you class A prick.' albeit more politely.

'Your wife would look less like a dog if you made her wear makeup mate.'
'Yeah... Cheers Kev.'

'My dog learned to sit last week. I'm so proud of him. He's so smart etc etc!'
'So interesting! Cheers Kev!'

by ZeldaTheSquid March 24, 2016