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Keebler Pass

A mountainous area in Colorado where tasty confectionery snacks come from.

Disappointed third-grader: Blast it all --- here I thought our vacation in Keebler Pass was gonna be a Wonka's-chocolate-factory type of adventure... a tour of a place where the entire landscape was made from sweet candy and crunchy baked flour! Little did I know that it was just a bunch of boring inedible ROCKS that I hadda laboriously clamber over!

by QuacksO June 14, 2020

Puss Pass

A puss pass is a pussy pass, it's a pass for being a pussy.

"You better come out to the show tonight, I know you are outa puss passes!"

"That guy has a puss pass for everything, he should live a little!"

by Dark Rider 666 October 29, 2018

Boomer Pass

A nonphysical certificate made by young people that allows older people to act hip and cool whenever they want without fear of being called "boomer" or "cringe."

Xavier: "Dan Povenmire is so wholesome. He deserves a boomer pass."

Maxwell: "That's wassup."

by Argentenuem January 21, 2022

Grab Pass

An imaginary pass you ask a female granting you the power to grab their ass

Ey girl can I get a grab pass for that ass?

by Idontfeelsogood May 8, 2018

Tactical pass out

While drunk, making the responsible decision to end the night on your own terms; because you know if you don't the rest of your night will only get worse.

Kat- "Hey Tony what happened last night? You missed the after party."
Tony- "Sorry, I had to pull a tactical pass out before shit got real ugly."

by Tonybaloneypony April 11, 2017

Slav pass

A Slav Pass is just like a nigga pass, except that it gives allowance to say slav words. These words are typically words like: blyat, cyka and nahui. But the words can differ from pass to pass.
The pass can only be given by someone who is at least one fourth Slavic descent.

Non-slavic guy: *hits his head*
Non-slavic guy: BLYAT
Slav: What did you say!?
Non-slavic guy: It's ok! I have the Slav Pass!
Slav: Let's drink comrade

by DimitriLovesVodka June 3, 2019

1👍 2👎

Hot gas pass

With your wife's hair dryer in hand, turn it on high heat and high flow. Point discharge end of hair dryer toward her and fart an unfiltered fart in the intake of said hair dryer.

The ol lady was putting her face on in the master bath when I gave her a hot gas pass that made her gag.

by Texas MPM October 10, 2019